Saturday, November 7, 2015

When was the last time you looked at my blog?

You probably have all forgotten about me huh?
That's okay, it happens quite a lot actually
I have a knack for disappearing.
Even though being forgotten is one of the most gut wrenching fears I have
I let it happen
Kinda like kissing the boy that everyone knows gets around but you do it anyway because those lips...
So here's to fresh starts and trying again
I'm probably not on your top 5 anymore
And when you think of your favorite writer on the blogs my name slips your mind
But don't forget about me quite yet
You haven't even seen the half of it


  1. I totally remember you and have missed your writing!!!! I'm so glad you're back!! You have, from the beginning, been one of my favorite writers. Especially your Vinyl Release post. Good to see you again :)

  2. well when you stop blogging you tend to become a memory. if you blog every week then people have something to look forward to. just saying.....
    the dead are always forgotten because their memories now and you have to move on with life. can't always live in the past.

  3. "I have a knack for disappearing." #stolen
